Friday, May 17, 2013

Day 30

Start mileage 97379
End mileage  97964
Daily total 585
Ride total 6989

Up early today around 5:30 am after a great nights sleep in a soft warm bed between sheets. Motels are nice. But expensive.

Did daily stuff. Rounded up all the gear to go out to the bike. Went to breakfast in the dinning room beside the lobby. Had hot eggs, sausages, cold orange juice, Danish, fresh coffee. I am in heaven. I did not even have to do dishes. Filled my thermos with coffee. Carried all my stuff out to the bike, about four trips.

Got a fill up, and some ice. I went into town and the Walgreens was not open yet and could not find the car wash. Oh! well! another day of dirty bike. I am feeling very guilty about this since I promised a bath first thing in the morning. I rode down the Interstate 70 towards the East.

Here are a few shots of Colorado on the West side of the state.

What a mountain this is.
 Towards the middle of Colorado you get into flatter land like these shots show.
Flat with mountains all around
  Towards the middle of the state you get into mountains and ski country. See the snow.
 I 70 takes passed Vale Colorado and its Pass. The pass elevation is 10,662 ft. high. When I went over it the temp was 54 degrees. I was shivering on the bike since I didn't put on an under jacket. But eventually got up and over and down the other side and warmed up.
You might want to follow this link for some more information about Vale Pass
Snow on the mountain in the middle of May. See the ski runs?

Denver in the back ground

Colorado knows how to handle windmills.

These are all working on a large wind mill farm.
 The Eastern side of the state is flat and goes on forever. Did I mention it was flat.

More flat Colorado
 Kansas did not have a sign welcoming visitors into the state on I70. They were redoing the roadway.
 I stopped at the Kansas Visitor Information Center. The people were very helpful and helped me make up my mind to stay at a KOA but not tenting. It was very windy all the time I rode in Kansas. I had to slow down to the legal speed limit to keep the bike on the road.

Did you know all this Interstate stuff was the idea of President Eisenhower. Seems he thought the Germans had a step up on us. They had the Autobahn to go from one side of the country to the other. Personally I am glad he had that idea. I70 is a wonderful highway.
Camp site at KOA.
 Notice I am not tenting. I rented a one room cabin. I cooked outside just like I was tenting. Used the bath house for shower but I have a room with a queen size mattress, my own sleeping bag etc. It is less expensive than a motel and was very convenient. I also did what I hope is my last loads of laundry prior to arriving home. I found out where the local car wash is and told the bike tomorrow I promise first thing out we give it a bath. I thought I heard a sigh!

Well I rode a lot today. Made some good mileage. Had no incidents. I even passed the couple from Ohio I spoke to back in Utah.


  1. You know I hate the word "awesome" but looking at these picture of Utah and Colorado I'm stuck for any other word that would apply. What a country we have!! Huge, magnificient,lovely,and yes AWESOME!! Thank you for this wonderful travelogue--definitely outside the mundane work-a-day world the rest of us are experiencing. Love you. ride safe! J

  2. The National Park Foundation is have a photo contest. You should enter a picture. Grand prize is $15000. That's a lot of money for your next trip!!

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