Sunday, April 19, 2015

Day 9

April 18 th.

Finish mileage   120,893
Start mileage    120,633
Total miles for the day 260 miles
Total miles for ride so far 2952

Up this morning to make breakfast but someone took forever to get up so I could start cooking breakfast. But do not fear breakfast was made and some of the new bread  baked yesterday was toasted. It was goooooood!

So off to Sedona we went. first stopping for gas then onto Loop 101. A great highway going north so far and then turning East, finally running South through the East side of town back to the US 10 highway. Once on Loop 101 motorcycles are permitted to run on the HOV lanes. No traffic on HOV lanes. Still have to run at the regulated speed but still no traffic to fight. Getting off Loop at I 17 and heading North towards Flagstaff. About 116 mile ride. It was warm and windy due to that warmth. The ride was fun and no issues at all. Someone ran into a swarm of bugs but I just didn't notice. Wes was covered with bug splatters. My Goldwing on  the other hand prevented me from noticing the bugs due to my windshield. Wes is on  a sport bike with no shield to  speak off.

A few pictures of Sedona

 As you can easily see the views are spectacular. What interesting terrain.

We left Sedona to come home the same route. While leaving, the traffic coming into Sedona was backed up for a mile or more of bumper to bumper traffic. The town has put in round a bouts and dismantled their red lights, they have only two lanes of traffic so as not to look overly commercialized. The two lane road and round a bouts keep the amount of cars that can get into town down to a minimum.

On the way back we stopped at the Scenic Outlook area.

Now back in Phoenix for a final night before hitting the road. Laundry to do and blogging to catch up on. Then off to bed at an early hour. Still lagging some from all the travel. 

Plans for trip home start with a stop at Shangra La Nudist Resort just outside of town. Then on to the Grand Canyon, Petrified Forrest, Painted Dessert, in New Mexico (Spaceport, Alamogordo, Roswell), Pawhuska OK,
Fort Knox and maybe find  a bourbon distillery for a tour. Then who knows.


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