Sunday, April 19, 2015

Day 10

April 19th.

Finish mileage   120,945 
Start mileage    120,893
Total miles for the day 52 miles
Total miles for ride so far 3004

Well today is the first day of my return trip to Dillsburg, Pa. I am a little excited about the return trip but also a little sorry that I will be heading back and not on ward. Also a little sorry to be leaving Wes behind, he is a wonderrful person and  someone everybody would enjoy.

Up at 5:00 am to start the coffee. While waiting for it to finish I finished yesterdays blog post. 

Back up stairs to do daily routine of getting ready for the day. Called the wife, took shower, packed my toiletries for leaving. Emptied my trash in the bathroom. Packed all the rest of my stuff, how does it grow so?
Downstairs to cook breakfast for Wes and  I, omelettes with onions, beef sausages and  the remains of the first loaf of bread that was cooked here from the No Kneed variety.

Packed up trailer, hitched trailer to Gold Wing and warmed up the engine. Gave Wes a big hug and thanked him for is hospitality. He will be looking into flying back east to visit us in the future. My daughter, son and wife and me are excited to have him come.

Hit the Fry's supermarket for supplies. I even have one of their VIP cards. Seems I was there more than once.
On the road to Shangri La just 35 miles or so up 101 loop and I 17 to New River.

Found the place thanks to my wonderful Garman GPS. Pulled  in to the resort, obtained a camp site. Seems if you have a  coupon for your first visit the day is free. The site rental was $10 since I have no hookups. 
Found a site and pulled my rig over to it. First thing I did was get naked. Second thing was find the rest room.
This task turned out to be of some difficulty. Maps and I just don't get along, I should have tried my Garman GPS but alas there is no house number on  the bathhouse. After asking for help from a regular I found the restrooms much to my great relief.  Then setup tent without issue. 

Next order was scouting around. To swim or use jacuzzi everyone must be naked and must take a shower. I  proceeded to do just that. It is a little strange when you walk into a shower with a man and a woman both showering. I just walked up to the middle shower and proceeded to come clean. Jacuzzi sounded great. It was hot and comfortable. I chatted with my shower mates in the jacuzzi. Nice people and very interesting conversation. Back to the tent and tried to take a nap. I layed down very comfortably on my cot but soon discovered is was really hot. The temp was supposed to be around 90. I did fall asleep but soon woke up to a sweet drenched cot and bed clothing. I remember there was a pavialian down by the pool. I moved to the lounge chairs. Lowering the back and streching out using a sneaker for a pillow I soon fell asleep for about an hour. Rolling over to try for another hours was good but not as successful, only about a half and hour sleep. I was very pleased because the primary reason for this stop, other than the nakedness was to get a nap and relax before hitting the road in  earnest. It worked. This evening the bugs are biting so I put on a shirt, not good, and found my bug spray for my lower half. Seems to be working some. Legs itch like crazy already.

BTW, When I tried to make lunch my stove would not work. Seems the pump to place the liquid fuel under pressure would not work. I ate cold stuff for lunch and supper. Will be stopping in Flagstaf for new stove are resupplying food stuffs for trip up to Williams and KOA where I have reserved a cabin for tomorrow night. 

Well that is about all for now. Will see how well I do on the cot in the tent tonight. Hoping that I am able to sleep well and relax somemore. I hope  to be able to take a few pictures of the Grand Canyon tomorrow. Never been there before.


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