Thursday, April 16, 2015

Day 5

April 14 th

Finish mileage  120,026
Start mileage    119,483
Total miles for the day 543 miles
Total miles for ride so far 2085
Start time today 7:30 am 
Finish time today 4:00 pm 

Started the day in El Reno, OK.

It was a dry day, yeah! But a little chilly in the morning. Dressed warmly on the bike as usual for early morning starts. Had checked the weather before leaving this morning to discover it would be a dry day today. Running from El Reno to Amarillo, Tx would be a nice ride. There were plenty of wind mills all over the place. Texas rates number one in the amount of windmills in US. Rick Perry is real proud of that fact. i just hope they are cost effective and not a boondoggle like the Ethanol mistake. Neither of these methods of making or extending our energy supply would make any money on their own. But with government subsides the company's can make a profit. Without subsides they would never have seen the light of day.Now I will get off my soap box.

After getting through Amarillo, TX a stop at the famous Cadillac Ranch was required. 

 Wikipedia states this was an art project. I guess?
Some of the riders and their rigs in this group.

Moving on to Tucumcari while riding next to the old Route 66 the group had to stop to see some of the old buildings still there from the glory days of Route 66. Unfortunately the town looks just like you would think, a town that time had past by. Buildings were looking old and  dirty, not newly painted or wonderfully maintained but a town that last century was very exciting and noisy. Today it is a little sleepy and old  looking. There is a nice memorial to the old Route 66, see some shots below.

 We all pulled in to have our pictures taken but suddenly discovered that the numbers were reversed. Pictures should be taken from the other side of the monument.
 Now we get a picture from the correct side so the numbers read correctly. Notice the wind mill in the background.

On we ride to Moriarty New Mexico and tonight's diner put on by the local chapter of GWRRA. It was a Mexican themed diner with enchiladas as the main course. The food was very tasty. For us all to get to diner everyone was instructed to meet at the last rest stop prior to Moriarty to line up for a ride into town with a police escort. We were told that a TV station would cover the event and the Mayor would proclaim the day as Goldwing day in Moriarty New Mexico. The police showed up but the rest did not. We all rode into town to the local school. All  bikes were lined up in a bunch for a  group photo. It looked pretty impressive.
 I tried to find a shot taken by the local chapter people who were on a very tall ladder in the back of a pickup truck. I am sure the view there would have been impressive. You would see that in the six or seven years this ride has been run, it has grown to from four or five riders to over  125 bikes at this event.
After the ceremonies were over it was time to go back to the hotel. We had all previously checked in but did not have time to move our duds into the room. We all meandered back while stopping for  gas so we could ride the next day. Mean time silly me, the Circle K clerk said to get beer one would  have to go up two blocks to a package store. They would only be open for another 30 minutes. Upon hearing that I proceeded to drive the two blocks. The business was on the right but the parking lot was not lite and the lot was gravel. I rode in and proceeded to run into a hugh pot hole that was big enough for my Goldwing to drive into but not come back out without stalling. Needless to say I was tossed around a good bit but still in the saddle. The bike of  course went down on the left side. I just shook my head and  said that this must be an omen that I ought not get any alcohol tonight. I got off the bike and proceeded to lift it back upright just as the You Tube video's show. Follow this link for video.

 I was surprised that it was not very difficult at all. Hoping on the bike it started right up. Then driving up out of the hole the trailer followed along into  and out of the hole. Back on the road and back to the hotel. WOW!!!! 

After all this excitement a good nights rest was looked forward to. Sometimes us old farts need to  take it easy. Sometimes we just don't know when to quit. I saw the light this night.


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