Saturday, April 11, 2015

Day 2

April 11th

Finish mileage 118,738
Start mileage    118,401
Total miles for the day 337 miles
Total miles for ride so far 797
Start time today 8:30 am Easter time
Finish time today 3:00 pm Central time

Well.....Best made plans soon go asunder. Sure was that way for me today.

I thought get up early and go to nearest Anytime Fitness Center. Found one on Google Search only 5.9 miles away. Added address to GPS and off I went. Nice ride in the dark at 6:00 am. A little cool but not to worry. Arrived where Garmin says to not see anything like the fitness center. Ok turn around and see if you missed it, but still the Garmin says it is here. I stopped and looked up. On the hill there was a little strip center and low and behold the Anytime Fitness Center. I rode up the hill and parked. I was only one of two vehicles there. It was of course early on a Saturday morning. Anytime Fitness Centers have two doors. One with a FOB reader for customers and another for walk ins to join up or have questions answered. I had some trouble finding the door with the FOB reader. Not that it was hidden but, you know it is a guy thing. Guys can't find something unless it is orange or smells like a beer. I did find it and  entered. The center was bigger than the one in Dillsburg and looked  nice at first glance. But upon closer examination the place had equipment with leather that had holes showing and padding poking out. I could not get the cycle machines to work, so after just pedaling with minimal resistance I gave up. I did work up a sweet but at only 96 BPM heart rate didn't think I was doing much good. I wondered over to the weight resistance machines. I tried some abdominal crunches and other machines I am unfamiliar with. But alas I decided it was time to go back to the hotel and prepare for the days ride. I was very disappointed with the place.

Stopped at Walmart on way back and picked up needed supplies, continued to hotel. Went to lobby for breakfast and brought my own fruit, the manager said this place doesn't provide fruit but for the price of a clean an comfortable room I can accept that. Finished up breakfast, packed my things into the  trailer and proceeded to ride.  Only this time I dressed for warmer weather and might I say drier weather.

Back on I40 again heading towards Knoxville and then Nashville and Dickson, TN where I have reservations for a room.

It was most uneventful today. Loved it being safe, dry and enjoying the Saturday with sunshine and greenery everywhere. Tennessee is very beautiful. Rode along and discovered there was this very large upward winding road here, it is the Cumberland Plateau sitting between Knoxville and Nashville. It goes way up and you drive for a ways and then it comes down. Both up and down were fun due to winding roads and lots of semi's to pass as if  they are standing still. Wheeeee!!!!

Back down from the plateau again on flat or rolling land the drive can cause one to feel sleepy and want to shut your eyes for just a second. I have learned that just before that happens you find an exit with coffee so you can rest and rejuvenate. While rolling along having one of these experiences and see immediately a sign for Weigles convenience stores that says Fresh coffee. Wow! must have been providential. It was  inspiring. Exiting, went straight to the store. Walked in  and tried to get a cup of coffee. They had these huge coffee urns that make like two gallons of  coffee at a clip, like eight of them all in  a row. Not one of the "Regular" had any coffee in them, they were all empty. There was of course "Decaf" if you don't want to stay awake very much longer and some other silly flavor. I did take a  silly flavor and walked to the register to pay. The clerk asked  if this was a refill or and initial purchase. Stating with some sarcasm that this was a new cup with only the one king of coffee available in it. Further all the other urns were empty. She said she was busy and didn't get a chance to make more. That may be true but her co-worker was outside smoking instead of helping. Go figure if you especially state on a billboard that you have fresh coffee,  wouldn't you make it a priority to have that said coffee available always. Working at Circle K in Arizona  coffee was the most important thing on sale. I drank my cup of silly stuff and wolfed down a fresh hot dog.

Later on needing gas and thinking it should be lunch time no matter the time zone. Stopping at a truck stop for gas and grub, the filled up and moving the bike  to a part of the parking lot that was far from being in the way. Made the normal two sandwiches of cheese and Lebanon baloney and washed  it  down with water. It was a tasty lunch and time to hit the road again.

Riding through Nashville was interesting. There were huge roadways and an HOV lane that said
"Motorcycle permitted". I immediately got in the far left lane and motored towards Nashville. Traffic did  slow down for  a short distance, being after lunch. Still no events worth mentioning, except maybe passing a sitting police car along the side of the road. I slowed down some since I wasn't over the limit much.

Running low on gas about 199 miles from Memphis, the first station rectified the situation. Went inside to use the facilities and saw they had and Arby's attached. I felt like  I needed some food,  diabetics to that  sometimes. Order two Gyros, can't get just one according to the  clerk. They were on sale, 2 for $6.00. They were wonderful, fresh and hot. Gyros really hit the spot for me. Now all happy and feed as well as  gassed up I proceeded to ride the next 25 miles to Diskson, TN to the hotel with reservations.

Super 8 hotel seemed newish, clean and bright. The desk clerk gave  me a room on the second floor and it happened to be right beside the elevator. I  was impressed with the inside of the place.

Unpacked and was very relieved to get out of my riding boots and hot clothes. Moved gear into hotel and changed for dinner.

Checking out  on Google Maps the local area and found a Ruby Tuesdays close by. Google said it was  305 feet from the hotel. It was right next door. This tired old rider just had to drag his self across the  lot to be feed. I had the salad bar because of the amount of junk food I ate today. Salad bar was good.

Outside of the Ruby Tuesday restaurant there was an older Lincoln in the lot. This car required pictures.

Back to the hotel, a little blogging, a little beer,  a little cool air from the  air conditioner and all is right with the world.

Tomorrow's weather looks nice and dry as well as  warm for the entire ride of 300 + miles. I will arrive at Conway, AR and hook up with the 40 to Phoenix riders.


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