Monday, April 13, 2015

Day 4

April 13th

Finish mileage   119,483
Start mileage    119,123
Total miles for the day 360 miles
Total miles for ride so far 1542
Start time today 6:30 am 
Finish time today 4:12 pm 

Meeting up with my new group at 6:30 am to leave early so the leader can arrive at Russellvile Honda first due to needing warranty repairs on his new trick. He bought it in Arkansas last year even though he lives in Tampa FL. Must have gotten a great deal. 

Did you know that Motorcycle businesses are not normally open on Mondays. They opened just for us with sales and service available. Our leader did not get in right a way so he advised two of us  to go ahead and join another group, he would be up to 3 hours waiting on his repairs. 

Joined up with Tom White and Charlie Bleyer from our local area in PA. The ride to Shawnee OK would be 200 miles. Just as soon as we left Russellvile it started to rain. It continued to to  rain for six hours. Sometimes pouring and then some times slower. Then the wind hit us an blew the bikes sideways. Most of us, no, all of us were soaked to the bone. We all commented that our water proofed items were completely soaked  through and through. 

One of our riders had some problems with water in his gas so he and Tom road together at a slower pace and  the majority of us rode on as a group. There were some issues with people not riding as safely as they ought to. The rain, wind and visibility issues was a factor to consider but our riding line did  present safety issues. 

Stopped for gas about 100 miles into ride to Shawnee. All visited the restroom after filling up the bikes. Bikes are a lot like horses, you have to take care of them first. Most changed clothes if they were able. I changed jackets and put on my rain slicker. Back on the bikes and 100 miles to Shawnee, OK. More rain, but this time I am warmer due to the clothing changes. Arrived at Shawnee Honda.

This was a nice place with a hugh inventory of Honda's. They had hot pizza and hot coffee. The lady's from the local GWRRA chapter were  declared angels. They informed us that the dealer purchased the pizzas since they did not want to cook hamburgers and hot dogs in the rain. Good for them. 

As we all ate we saw more and more groups arrive at the dealership. Finally Tom White and the rider with issues arrived, Jeff the leader from my first group also arrived. Charlie and I were going to lead the remaining group to the hotel but once Tom arrived we all wanted to wait for him to lead us the rest of  the way. Yeah! Tom.

At the hotel everyone wanted to check in quickly and take a good hot shower. Once accomplished it was off to the local VFW who host a diner for the 40 to Phoenix ride every year. It was only four miles away and we arrived quickly.

The food was great! Chicken fried steak with mashed potatoes gravy and other veggies. Salad with corn bread and of course dessert. All the mentioned food was extremely tasty and hot. After eating there were some ceremonies and a  ride meeting. Back to the hotel and arrangements were made for tomorrow mornings meet time. 

BTW, the horses had to be feed so they could sleep well and be ready for a long ride tomorrow. Also found some beer and free ice at the convenience store. Beer is good food.

Tomorrow off to New Mexico and some very neat views of Route 66 along the way.


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