Sunday, April 26, 2015

Day 14 & 15

April 23 & 24 th.

Total in car mileage   About 1419 miles
Start mileage    n/a
Total miles for the over night drive 1419 miles
Total miles for ride so far 5625
Started at 1:00 pm Thursday and finished around 4:00 pm on Friday

So the morning after;
-Stiff and soar everywhere
-Had trouble sleeping due to bruises all over
-Head going a mile a minute trying to decide next steps to take

After all the above,woke and got up just before the alarm at 5:00 am.Getting an early start since there was  so much to do. Arose, dressed and went out to Denny's for breakfast. You can't start a day without food to power you through the days tasks. Back to hotel. Started out by calling Enterprise about renting a car for the trip home. My friends called and said they would be in Oklahoma City around noon and would drag the trailer home and I could ride on one of their bikes. The trailer business was really helpful and appreciated their efforts immensely. The ride home on a motorcycle was not something to look forward too with all my aches and bruises. 

Al from Arrow Wrecking had a driver deliver me to this hotel yesterday. This man and his company in Oklahoma City are all wonderful people and know how to pay it forward. God bless them. 

Called Enterprise and after three attempts got a call back. The lady was just back from a pick up. Arrangements were made to rent a car one way for the trip home. She came by to pick me up. I checked out and finalized the rental agreement. 
 Nice car and great sound system made the ride more enjoyable.

Drove to the hotel to load up my gear and check out. Drove to the wrecking parking lot. Took all the stuff left in the bike and trailer. Filled the trunk and back seat with stuff. Tom and Charlie arrived while doing the loading. Tom looked at the trailer and mentioned that the trailer had a Torx axle and he would be able to drive it home for me. The wheels were bent in some on both sides but being new tires and a new spare we thought he would make it home OK. After loading up the car and putting the trailer on Tom's bike, he and Charlie left to finish their ride. The care was loaded, good byes and thank you's were dispersed at the wrecking yard and off to Pennsylvania and home!

Fortunately the drive home was uneventful.Driving 1:00 pm until about 2:30 am and had to stop for some sleep. At a rest stop somewhere between here and there sleep was not coming to easily just then. I only slept for a short while and was off again. About 4:30 am a stop at another rest area was required. This time dosing right off and sleeping for an hour felt refreshing. Then off again on the highway. About 7:30 another stop was required. Sleeping for another hour was accomplished. Then on to driving again. 

Eventually getting home around 4:00 pm the wife was surprised to see me so soon. Home never looked so good! Unpacked the car. Ate some delicious food. Showered and went to bed to sleep for a restful night in my own bed. 

The next day returned the car to Enterprise. Stated looking on Craig's List for Goldwings. Sent email to local chapter director requesting he put the word out I am looking for a replacement ride. 

Starting to get back to normal. A good night's sleep and I should be good to go. I hope!


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