Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Day 7

Start mileage 92152
End mileage 92458
Daily mileage 306
To date total miles 1465

Woke up early due to time change some where along the day yesterday. Had my first breakfast on the trail. No coffee, I was too lazy to make the stuff but did heat water to wash off some dishes I used. A wonderful breakfast consisting of two Hamburg buns with peanut butter and a slice of cheese plus a big mug full of cereal with lots of milk. Packed up all my gear an was ready to leave.
I had unhooked the trailer the night before so this morning when hooking back up I did not check to see if the hitch was properly connected. So as soon as I turned to start on the road the trailer feel off the hitch and  hit the ground. Fortunately I was just starting out slowly. But this goes to show another thing to put into my list of Road Wisdom items I plan on devising for future consideration by us all. Reattached and made sure I did it correctly this time.
Followed US 231 to US 98 that runs along the coast of the gulf. This took me into Florida of course. US 98 is a nice road but it goes through every town in the state. So after following US 98 from Panama City to Graton Beach I saw a sign that  said "To US 10" I thought I saw enough of Florida towns so I followed the sign to US 10.
I should point out that while  riding through Florida I saw lots of cattle, I understand Florida grows lots of beef.
Upon leaving Florida on US 10 and entering Alabama again I stopped at the Welcome Station. It started to rain. I was disappointed but got out the old rain gear and dressed properly for the weather. The people in the Welcome Station said it was supposed to rain for a while. Well good thing I put on the rain gear because after riding in rain, sunshine, and pouring rain again I was ready for a place to stay.
I am now in Mississippi. I got a tank of gas and  rode on cause it was still just too early to stop riding for the day. So in an hour it was pouring and I pulled off at an exit that had a campground advertised. While driving to the place I said to myself, I just can't setup in the rain. I turned around and got back on US 10. I thought an Econo Lodge or maybe a Best Western could be found. Would you know it a Best Western was at the next exit in Moss Point Mississippi. I just happen to have over 20,000 Best Western Rewards points so I am sitting  here typing away in a free room with two king beds and  all the  accoutrements that go along with a Best  Western.
So tomorrow morning I hope it is dry and we will attempt to make it to New Orleans and a KOA there. It is close to the French Quarter and you can take public transportation to town.
Things are looking up.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Dick, love reading your blog. Looks like you are having lots of fun. Enjoy the trip/ride. What a wonderful experience you will have. I work w/your wife. Have fun and be safe! Janice
